Upcoming events.

Youth Day Trip

Youth Day Trip

We are taking a trip to the International Civil Rights Museum in Greensboro, NC. On our way back to Fayetteville we will stop in Sanford for lunch at Yarborough’s Homemade Ice Cream & Grill. We are meeting at church at 7:30am Saturday morning.

To help off-set the cost of tickets and lunch the cost of this trip will be $20 per youth.

Please register by March 19th.

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Operation InAsMuch Blitz Day

Operation InAsMuch Blitz Day

We are taking part in the city-wide Operation InAsMuch Blitz Day on Saturday, April 5th. We have five different teams that will be providing ways to serve others in our church and community. Please click below to sign up!

Joyful Noise Singers

Many of our Homebound members would love to have a short visit to include singing and fellowship. A gift bag will be shared with the Homebound member.


Help build a ramp for someone in need in our community. Plans and construction materials will be provided. You may be working in conjunction with some members from Snyder Memorial Baptist Church and/or St. Matthews United Methodist Church. Lunch will be provided for this team.

Comfort Blankets

No experience is required to make these “no sew” blankets. Directions will be provided. They will be donated to the Child Advocacy Center (CAC) to be given to children they serve. You will need 1¼ yard each of a printed fleece pattern and a coordinating fleece solid. A few sets of fabric will be available at the church on April 5th. Please bring scissors if you have them.

Sudz’n Blu’z

Wash cars for a local police or sheriff department. This will be done in the front parking lot of the church. All supplies will be provided.

Blessing Bags

Assemble donated chocolate, hand sanitizer, tissues, and Chapstick for the staff members at Ben Martin Elementary and Rockfish Elementary.

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Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, we will have a special worship service to remember Jesus being with the disciples at the Last Supper. Worship will include serving communion. 

All are welcome.

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Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is the start of the season of Lent. Join us for a special worship service to focus on our relationship with Jesus.

All are welcome.

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Serve Breakfast at Operation InAsMuch

Serve Breakfast at Operation InAsMuch

This is a wonderful way to help those in need!

Please register to serve breakfast. Once registered, you will be placed on a team of volunteers to help people who are homeless at the Mission Lodge in downtown Fayetteville.

LaFayette Baptist has been a long-time partner with Operation InAsMuch, a local nonprofit that began as a tangible ministry to reach out to “the least of these.”

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Missions Fair

Missions Fair

Many of our ministry partners throughout the community and beyond will join us on this Sunday.

After Sunday School classes are dismissed, stop by to meet our guests and learn more about how they impact our community and beyond.

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LBC Keenagers

LBC Keenagers

Join the Keenagers for a special presentation in February.

Our program will be “An Alzheimer’s Conversation” with Deborah Steele-Arosemena from Cape Fear Valley Internal Medicine. Please invite a neighbor and friend.

All are welcome!

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Our LBC Keenagers meet once a month, normally on the first Thursday. It is a group for adults aged 55 years or older, although anyone is welcome! We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, share prayer concerns and updates, sing older hymns and listen to relevant devotions. On occasion, our group will have a special guest speaker from the community. Afterwards, we all go out to eat at a local restaurant, or stay for a meal at the church. Come join us!

For more information, please call the church office at (910) 425-1306, or send an email to lbc@lafayettebaptist.org.

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Christmas Changes Everything

Christmas Changes Everything

Everyone is welcome! This worship experience will allow us to renew our faith as we determine how each of us can be joy to the world and peace on earth in our community and into the utmost parts of the world.

Join us for refreshments in the fellowship hall after worship.

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Helping Hands Homeless Ministry

Helping Hands Homeless Ministry

Jesus says in Matthew’s Gospel, “‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” (Matthew 25:40. NIV)

Our Helping Hands Ministry seeks to serve people who are homeless by meeting in downtown Fayetteville. This is a partnership with other local churches to help people in our community. A hot meal is provided, along with any clothes that are needed. A message is shared with the people who come about the good news of Jesus.

We will meet on the second Friday of each month. If you are interested in helping with this important ministry, please fill out the form below. It is a wonderful way of being the hands and feet of Jesus.

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Our LBC Keenagers meet once a month, normally on the first Thursday. It is a group for adults aged 55 years or older, although anyone is welcome! We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, share prayer concerns and updates, sing older hymns and listen to relevant devotions. On occasion, our group will have a special guest speaker from the community. Afterwards, we all go out to eat at a local restaurant, or stay for a meal at the church. Come join us!

For more information, please call the church office at (910) 425-1306, or send an email to lbc@lafayettebaptist.org.

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Helping Hands Homeless Ministry

Helping Hands Homeless Ministry

Jesus says in Matthew’s Gospel, “‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” (Matthew 25:40. NIV)

Our Helping Hands Ministry seeks to serve people who are homeless by meeting in downtown Fayetteville. This is a partnership with other local churches to help people in our community. A hot meal is provided, along with any clothes that are needed. A message is shared with the people who come about the good news of Jesus.

We will meet on the second Friday of each month. If you are interested in helping with this important ministry, please fill out the form below. It is a wonderful way of being the hands and feet of Jesus.

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Youth Fall Retreat
to Nov 10

Youth Fall Retreat

Our Youth are going to Camp Rockfish for a Fall Retreat! We’ll enjoy s’mores, outdoor group activities, Bible Study, and lots of fellowship.

The cost of the trip will be $50 per youth, this will help to offset the cost of the meals, lodging, and other retreat expenses. If you need a scholarship please indicate that below, we do not want cost to be a reason that a youth cannot attend!

Registration is below. More information will be shared with parents after registration.

Questions? Click here to email Sammie Carson.

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Serve Breakfast at Operation InAsMuch

Serve Breakfast at Operation InAsMuch

LaFayette Baptist has been a long-time partner with Operation InAsMuch, a local nonprofit that began in Fayetteville as a tangible ministry to reach out to “the least of these.” We have rotating teams that meet quarterly to serve breakfast to people who are homeless at the mission lodge downtown.

If you would like to volunteer and serve breakfast, please contact the church by calling (910) 425-1306 or email at lbc@lafayettebaptist.org.

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Parent’s Afternoon Out

Parent’s Afternoon Out

Busy Parents, drop your kids off after church and enjoy an afternoon out!

Kids will enjoy lunch at church, followed by fun activities in the afternoon. The theme will be All Saints Day, with some very special visitors sharing some history of the Church!

Questions? Click here to email Sammie Carson.

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Women's Retreat-Let It Go...

Women's Retreat-Let It Go...

Join us for a great time of fellowship and digging deeper into God's word. For more information, please call the church office at (910) 425-1306.

Teresa Pritchard—co-pastor, mom, MeMe to five fabulous grands, Bible study nerd, writer, speaker and farm life lover— will be teaching from Matthew 6:6 “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” This leads right into The Lord’s Prayer. Using it as a template for our own prayers with emphasis on : “Forgive us this day our trespassers as we have forgiven those who trespass against us.” This is the key that unlocks and unblocks our prayers! She will focus on receiving forgiveness for ourselves. We cannot give what we have not received. Our own forgiveness from God is hinged to how we forgive others. This is where we learn to let it go.

Speaker Bio:

Teresa has been married to her high school sweetheart, Wesley Pritchard for forty-four years. Together they pastor Fayetteville Community Church in Fayetteville, NC. Teresa and Wesley share a love for travel and music, but their greatest passion is helping people discover their identity and purpose in Christ.


Teresa’s gifting is breaking down Scripture to communicate its everyday practical application. She refers to her ministry as a “traction” ministry; laying down Biblical truths that give people the grip to take hold of faith and run their race with perseverance. She enjoys writing and speaking especially for women’s events. Her most recent Bible studies include “Deborah: Becoming All that You Can ‘Bee’” and “Keeper: God of Covenant.” Her latest book, Against the Current, was written with her two teenage granddaughters, Lilly and Abby. 


Isaiah 61:3 has become Teresa’s favorite Scripture and her heart’s desire is to be known as an oak of righteousness displaying the goodness of God!

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Helping Hands Homeless Ministry

Helping Hands Homeless Ministry

Jesus says in Matthew’s Gospel, “‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” (Matthew 25:40. NIV)

Our Helping Hands Ministry seeks to serve people who are homeless by meeting in downtown Fayetteville. This is a partnership with other local churches to help people in our community. A hot meal is provided, along with any clothes that are needed. A message is shared with the people who come about the good news of Jesus.

We will meet on the second Friday of each month. If you are interested in helping with this important ministry, please fill out the form below. It is a wonderful way of being the hands and feet of Jesus.

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Parent's Afternoon Out

Parent's Afternoon Out

Busy Parents, enjoy an afternoon out after church!

The children will enjoy fun activities and a delicious lunch. Register your child below.

See Sammie Carson for more information.

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Our LBC Keenagers meet once a month, normally on the first Thursday. It is a group for adults aged 55 years or older, although anyone is welcome! We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, share prayer concerns and updates, sing older hymns and listen to relevant devotions. On occasion, our group will have a special guest speaker from the community. Afterwards, we all go out to eat at a local restaurant, or stay for a meal at the church. Come join us!

For more information, please call the church office at (910) 425-1306, or send an email to lbc@lafayettebaptist.org.

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Helping Hands Homeless Ministry

Helping Hands Homeless Ministry

Jesus says in Matthew’s Gospel, “‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” (Matthew 25:40. NIV)

Our Helping Hands Ministry seeks to serve people who are homeless by meeting in downtown Fayetteville. This is a partnership with other local churches to help people in our community. A hot meal is provided, along with any clothes that are needed. A message is shared with the people who come about the good news of Jesus.

We will meet on the second Friday of each month. If you are interested in helping with this important ministry, please fill out the form below. It is a wonderful way of being the hands and feet of Jesus.

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Our LBC Keenagers meet once a month, normally on the first Thursday. It is a group for adults aged 55 years or older, although anyone is welcome! We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, share prayer concerns and updates, sing older hymns and listen to relevant devotions. On occasion, our group will have a special guest speaker from the community. Afterwards, we all go out to eat at a local restaurant, or stay for a meal at the church. Come join us!

For more information, please call the church office at (910) 425-1306, or send an email to lbc@lafayettebaptist.org.

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Serve Breakfast at Operation InAsMuch

Serve Breakfast at Operation InAsMuch

LaFayette Baptist has been a long-time partner with Operation InAsMuch, a local nonprofit that began in Fayetteville as a tangible ministry to reach out to “the least of these.” We have rotating teams that meet quarterly to serve breakfast to people who are homeless at the mission lodge downtown.

If you would like to volunteer and serve breakfast, please contact the church by calling (910) 425-1306 or email at lbc@lafayettebaptist.org.

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Youth Rock-a-thon
to Aug 31

Youth Rock-a-thon

Join us as we rock the night away!

The youth group is raising money for the Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina. Baptist Children’s Homes is an organization that serves families and children in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Guatemala. BCH offers many different programs that range from Foster Care & Adoption to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

While we rock we will play games, enjoy some food, and work on two different mission projects. Drop off will be at 7pm August 30th and pick up with be 7am August 31st! If at least 3 youth can make it the whole night without falling asleep they will win a sweet treat!

Please sign up your teen no later than Friday August 23rd so we can plan accordingly! Bring a blanket, comfortable clothes, and a snack or dessert to share!

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Youth Day Trip & Volleyball Tournament

Youth Day Trip & Volleyball Tournament

Join us for a day trip to the Fort Fisher Aquarium and the beach! We’ll go to the aquarium in the morning, go to Southport for lunch, then go to the beach in the afternoon for a Volleyball Tournament and games.

Bring sunscreen!

The cost for this trip is $20. Sign up by Friday August 9th. If you need a scholarship reach out to Sammie Carson. Please sign up below!

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Our LBC Keenagers meet once a month, normally on the first Thursday. It is a group for adults aged 55 years or older, although anyone is welcome! We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, share prayer concerns and updates, sing older hymns and listen to relevant devotions. On occasion, our group will have a special guest speaker from the community. Afterwards, we all go out to eat at a local restaurant, or stay for a meal at the church. Come join us!

For more information, please call the church office at (910) 425-1306, or send an email to lbc@lafayettebaptist.org.

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