Ministries at LaFayette.
Children and Families
Our ministries with preschoolers and children are sincerely valued by our church body. Children are a beautiful part of the body of Christ. At LaFayette Baptist Church, we design intentional ministry opportunities to meet our kids on their level. Our mission is to provide each child opportunities to meet Christ and to cultivate his or her relationship with God. All of our volunteers are background checked and trained in their ministry area. Our Sunday School teachers are not only background checked, but they are also trained in Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children.
Our youth group invites all students in 6th-12th grades to participate together in fellowship, discipleship, and community. It is our desire to be a group of young people focused on developing our relationship with God alongside each other through times of Bible study and discipleship, fellowship and fun, and corporate worship. We do this through weekly activities, as well as retreats, summer camps, mission opportunities, and more!
The deacons of LaFayette partner with the pastoral staff in ministering to the members of the church along with addressing special needs outside the body.
Keenagers are the “Seasoned” adults of LBC who meet to celebrate milestones, pray and play together and minister to the needs of LBC, our neighbors, and the world. We sing, laugh, and learn how to be Ambassadors for Christ. After our meetings, we go out to a restaurant or we bring food in to eat together. If you are 50+ and are “Keen” to have some fun, join us at LBC on the first Thursday of each month.